Psychotherapy  #01


    Psychotherapy gives you the opportunity to talk, in depth, about things you've been unable to discuss with anyone else. Whatever you talk about is held in confidence.

    There are as many different reasons for coming to psychotherapy as there are people seeking psychotherapy. This is why I don’t make assumptions or judgments about you beforehand or during the process of psychotherapy. My aim is to help you to become better acquainted with yourself; to build on and develop your existing inner resources and talents; and to help you to wholeheartedly like yourself and who you are. This may or may not result in making changes in your life. The process of psychotherapy is likely to result in positive changes in your attitude to yourself, to others and to your life. This process can sometimes mean facing difficult and painful feelings which most of us cannot do, without support. This support will give you new perspectives on your situation as well as providing you with a greater range of choices and possibilities.

    This may be a time of crisis in your life (separation, loss, abuse), you may be going through a transition in your life (career change, unemployment, starting a family, children leaving home, moving house) or you may simply be feeling that there is something missing or unfulfilled in your life. You may have become more aware that you are often anxious, angry or low in mood. Whatever your circumstances, psychotherapy could help you with the worries, anxieties, fears and uncertainties these bring.

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